Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Risch


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Active controllable and flexible winding needle an option to reduce the complexity of needle winding machines and the stress on enameled wire (2014) Schneider M, Bickel B, Risch F, Franke J Conference contribution Optimization approach of wireless power transfer systems for electric vehicles from a process and material perspective (2014) Risch F, Kraner S, Schneider M, Franke J Conference contribution Evaluation of energy efficient joining processes in the field of electric drives manufacturing considering quality aspects (2014) Spreng S, Risch F, Glabel T, Wolff J, Franke J Conference contribution Flexible automation for the production of stators and rotors of electric vehicles (2014) Risch F, Tremel J, Klier T, Franke J Conference contribution Handling and fixation of permanent magnets (2013) Tremel J, Hofmann B, Risch F Conference contribution Flexible automation for the production of contactless power transfer systems for electric vehicles (2013) Risch F, Günther S, Bickel B, Franke J Conference contribution Disassembly strategies for recovering valuable magnet material of electric drives (2013) Klier T, Risch F, Franke J Conference contribution Energy-efficient production strategies and technologies for electric drives (2013) Franke J, Kreitlein S, Risch F, Günther S Conference contribution Disassembly, recycling, and reuse of magnet material of electric drives (2013) Klier T, Risch F, Franke J Conference contribution Production concepts for inductive power transfer systems for electric vehicles (2012) Risch F, Günther S, Franke J Conference contribution