Marianne Ellen Pavel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Systemic Markers of Inflammation in Neuroendocrine Tumors (NETs) and Outcomes with Everolimus: A Pooled Analysis from the Randomized, Phase 3 RADIANT-3 and RADIANT-4 Trials (2018) Chan DL, Yao JC, Carnaghi C, Buzzoni R, Herbst F, Ridolfi A, Strosberg J, et al. Conference contribution Telotristat ethyl in carcinoid syndrome: safety and efficacy in the TELECAST phase 3 trial (2018) Pavel ME, Gross DJ, Benavent M, Perros P, Srirajaskanthan R, Warner RRP, Kulke MH, et al. Journal article Weight Change Associated With Telotristat Ethyl in the Treatment of Carcinoid Syndrome (2018) Weickert MO, Kaltsas G, Hoersch D, Lapuerta P, Pavel ME, Valle JW, Caplin ME, et al. Journal article Time to Sustained Improvement in Bowel Movement Frequency With Telotristat Ethyl: Analysis of the Phase 3 TELESTAR Study (2018) Dillon JS, Kulke MH, Pavel ME, Horsch D, Anthony LB, Warner RRP, Bergsland E, et al. Conference contribution Time to Sustained Improvement in Bowel Movement Frequency with Telotristat Ethyl: Analyses of Two Phase 3 Studies in Carcinoid Syndrome (2018) Dillon J, Kulke M, Warner R, Bergsland E, Welin S, O'Dorisio T, Mckee C, et al. Conference contribution Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapies in Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients Impair Nutritional Status (2018) Pevny S, Maasberg S, Karber M, Knappe-Drzikova B, Weylandt KH, Pavel ME, Wiedenmann B, et al. Conference contribution Medication safety in patients treated with new oral antitumor agents: A prospective, randomized investigation on the impact of intensified clinical pharmaceutical/clinical pharmacological care on patient safety, patient knowledge and patient well-being (AMBORA). Supported by the German Cancer Aid within the Comprehensive Cancer Center Erlangen-EMN (2018) Schlichtig K, Lechner P, Grafe C, Ferstl B, Fuchs F, Hein A, Meidenbauer N, et al. Conference contribution Disease Control in Progressive Pancreatic and Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors by Combined Treatment with Lanreotide Autogel and Temozolomide: The SONNET Study (2018) Pavel ME, Denecke T, Lahner H, Hoersch D, Rinke A, Koch A, Liyanage N, et al. Conference contribution First Patient Survey about Tumor - Associated Fatigue in NEN (2018) Banz S, Mellar K, Letsch A, Scheibenbogen C, Pavel ME, Grabowski P Conference contribution Impact of prior therapies on everolimus activity: an exploratory analysis of RADIANT-4 (2017) Buzzoni R, Carnaghi C, Strosberg J, Fazio N, Singh S, Herbst F, Ridolfi A, et al. Journal article