Prof. Dr. Friedrich Paulsen


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Thermosensitive TRP Channels Are Functionally Expressed and Influence the Lipogenesis in Human Meibomian Gland Cells (2024) Keller M, Mergler S, Li A, Zahn I, Paulsen F, Garreis F Journal article The tendon of the fibularis brevis muscle – Systematic overview and new classification system (2024) Zielinska N, Tubbs RS, Gonera B, Georgiev GP, Paulsen F, Olewnik Ł Journal article, Review article Comparative Characterization of Human Meibomian Glands, Free Sebaceous Glands, and Hair-Associated Sebaceous Glands Based on Biomarkers, Analysis of Secretion Composition, and Gland Morphology (2024) Liu Y, Butovich IA, Garreis F, Zahn I, Scholz M, Gaffling S, Jabari S, et al. Journal article Internal vascular anatomy of the human lacrimal gland: A protocol based on cadaver dissection and three-dimensional micro-computed tomography (2024) Singh S, Chopra P, Necker F, Scholz M, Liphardt AM, Schuster L, Paulsen F, Bräuer L Journal article The legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe – 2nd update on current practice (2024) Brenner E, Bleys RL, de Caro R, Catereniuc I, Chirculescu AR, Destrieux C, Eppler E, et al. Journal article, Review article Identifying composition-mechanics relations in human brain tissue based on neural-network-enhanced inverse parameter identification (2024) Hinrichsen J, Feiler L, Reiter N, Bräuer L, Schicht M, Paulsen F, Budday S Journal article Coactivation of the Laryngeal Muscles in Pigs Without External Neural Control Indicates Existence of an Intrinsic Neuronal Network (2024) Tracicaru RV, Bräuer L, Döllinger M, Tamba BI, Szilagyi A, Catalin CC, Hînganu D, et al. Journal article A three-headed plantaris muscle fused with Kaplan fibres: potential clinical significance (2024) Maślanka K, Zielińska N, Paulsen F, Niemiec M, Olewnik Ł Journal article Morphological variability of the pectoralis minor muscle. Study in human fetuses. (2024) Zielinska N, Moryś J, Paulsen F, Koptas K, Triantafyllou G, Piagkou M, Olewnik Ł Journal article Corrigendum to "New insights into lacrimal gland anatomy using 7T MRI and electron microscopy: Relevance for lacrimal gland targeted therapies and bioengineering" [Ocul. Surf. 30 (October 2023) 204-212]. (2024) Singh S, Winter Z, Necker F, Bäuerle T, Scholz M, Bräuer L, Paulsen F Journal article, Erratum