Prof. Dr. Christoph Ostgathe


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Palliativversorgung in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie: Wandelt sich die öffentliche Wahrnehmung? (Abstract) (2022) Peters J, Rabenstein U, Heckel M, Breindl E, Ostgathe C Journal article Concept of a Simple Reaction Test for eHealth-Based Opioid Response Assessment in Palliative Care (2022) Fidorra J, Nissen M, Abdullahi Yari I, Ostgathe C, Steigleder T, Eskofier B Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster Präsentation von Palliativstationen und SAPV-Teams im Internet - eine korpusbasierte Metaanalyse von Webseiten (2022) Peters J, Dykes N, Heckel M, Ostgathe C, Habermann M Journal article Adaptation of the Australian Palliative Care Phase concept to the German palliative care context: a mixed-methods approach using cognitive interviews and cross-sectional data (2021) Lehmann E, Hodiamont F, Landmesser M, Knobloch C, Nauck F, Ostgathe C, Gruene B, Bausewein C Journal article Improving Dyspnoea Symptom Control of Patients in Palliative Care Using a Smart Patch-A Proof of Concept Study (2021) Kamal Mallick M, Biser S, Haridas A, Umesh V, Toensing O, Abdullahi I, Ollenschläger M, et al. Journal article, Original article PaM - Development and Validation of a palliative medical Integration Model for Melanoma (2021) Bender-Säbelkampf S, Heckel M, Ostgathe C, Berking C, Heppt M Conference contribution Predicting Anxiety in Routine Palliative Care Using Bayesian-Inspired Association Rule Mining (2021) Haas O, Lopera Gonzalez LI, Hofmann S, Ostgathe C, Maier A, Rothgang E, Amft O, Steigleder T Journal article, Original article Support for and involvement of family caregivers in Comprehensive Cancer Center - an Assessment of the Palliative Care Working Group within the network of Comprehensive Cancer Center funded by the German Cancer Aid (2021) Oechsle K, Theissen T, Heckel M, Schwenzitzki L, Ullrich A, Ostgathe C Journal article Precautionary documents in patients with head and neck cancer - status quo and factors influencing their creation (2021) Allner M, Gostian M, Balk M, Rupp R, Hecht M, Ostgathe C, Müller SK, et al. Conference contribution Symptoms During Outpatient Cancer Treatment and Options for their Management (2021) Tewes M, Baumann F, Teufel M, Ostgathe C Journal article, Review article