Prof. Dr. Alexander Martin


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Solving mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems using simultaneous convexification: a case study for gas networks (2021) Liers F, Martin A, Merkert M, Mertens N, Michaels D Journal article AutoIoT: A framework based on user-driven MDE for generating IoT applications (2020) Nepomuceno T, Carneiro T, Maia PH, Adnan M, Nepomuceno T, Martin A Conference contribution Towards the Solution of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization Problems using Simultaneous Convexification (2020) Liers F, Martin A, Merkert M, Mertens N, Michaels D Other publication type Mixed-Integer Reformulations of Resource-Constrained Two-Stage Assignment Problems (2020) Hupp L, Kapolke M, Liers F, Martin A, Weismantel R Other publication type Portfolio Optimization with Irreversible Long-Term Investments in Renewable Energy under Policy Risk: A Mixed-Integer Multistage Stochastic Model and a Moving-Horizon Approach (2020) Gatzert N, Martin A, Schmidt M, Seith B, Vogl N Journal article, Original article Two-row and two-column mixed-integer presolve using hashing-based pairing methods (2020) Gemander P, Chen WK, Weninger D, Gottwald L, Gleixner A, Martin A Journal article Maximizing the storage capacity of gas networks: a global MINLP approach (2019) Burlacu R, Egger H, Gross M, Martin A, Pfetsch ME, Schewe L, Sirvent M, Skutella M Journal article Towards a lifecycle oriented design of infrastructure by mathematical optimization (2019) Kufner T, Leugering G, Martin A, Medgenberg J, Schelbert J, Schewe L, Stingl M, et al. Journal article, Original article Two-row and two-column mixed-integer presolve using hash-based pairing methods (2019) Chen W, Gemander P, Gleixner A, Gottwald L, Martin A, Weninger D Other publication type Tackling Industrial-Scale Supply Chain Problems by Mixed-Integer Programming (2019) Gamrath G, Gleixner A, Koch T, Miltenberger M, Kniasew D, Schlögel D, Martin A, Weninger D Journal article