PD Dr. Carol-Immanuel Geppert


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The influence of tumour site on prognosis in metastatic colorectal carcinomas with primary tumour resection (2018) Merkel S, Schellerer V, Wein A, Semrau S, Geppert CI, Göhl J, Hohenberger W, et al. Journal article Digital pathology imaging and computer-aided diagnostics as a novel tool for standardization of evaluation of aganglionic megacolon (Hirschsprung disease) histopathology (2018) Schilling F, Geppert CI, Strehl J, Hartmann A, Kürten S, Brehmer A, Jabari S Journal article NFATc1 Promotes Antitumoral Effector Functions and Memory CD8+ T-cell Differentiation during Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Development (2018) Heim L, Friedrich J, Engelhardt M, Trufa D, Geppert CI, Rieker R, Sirbu H, Finotto S Journal article Galectin 3 expression in regional lymph nodes and lymph node metastases of oral squamous cell carcinomas (2018) Wehrhan F, Büttner-Herold M, Distel L, Ries J, Möbius P, Preidl R, Geppert CI, et al. Journal article Generation and characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines with enhanced cancer stem cell potential (2018) Muenzner JK, Kunze P, Lindner P, Polaschek S, Menke K, Eckstein M, Geppert CI, et al. Journal article Correlation of Hif1a expression of primary oral squamous cell carcinomas with histomorphologic parameters and macrophage polarization (2018) Wehrhan F, Möbius P, Amann KU, Geppert CI, Preidl R, Ries J, Neukam FW, Weber M Conference contribution Calbindin D28k-Immunoreactivity in Human Enteric Neurons (2018) Zetzmann K, Strehl J, Geppert CI, Kürten S, Jabari S, Brehmer A Journal article Restoration of an academic historical gross pathology collection-refreshed impact on current medical teaching? (2018) Eichhorn P, Andraschke U, Dross F, Geppert CI, Hartmann A, Rau T Journal article International validation of the consensus Immunoscore for the classification of colon cancer: a prognostic and accuracy study (2018) Pages F, Mlecnik B, Marliot F, Bindea G, Ou FS, Bifulco C, Lugli A, et al. Journal article Isolation of Human Endothelial Cells from Normal Colon and Colorectal Carcinoma - An Improved Protocol (2018) Naschberger E, Regensburger D, Tenkerian C, Langheinrich M, Engel F, Geppert CI, Hartmann A, et al. Journal article