Dr. Robert Kob

Picture of Robert Kob


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Mobility in Older Community-Dwelling Persons: A Narrative Review (2020) Freiberger E, Sieber C, Kob R Journal article, Review article Safety of a Combined WB-EMS and High-Protein Diet Intervention in Sarcopenic Obese Elderly Men (2020) Kemmler W, von Stengel S, Kohl M, Rohleder N, Bertsch T, Sieber C, Freiberger E, Kob R Journal article German Version of SARC-F: Translation, Adaption, and Validation (2020) Drey M, Ferrari U, Schraml M, Kemmler W, Schöne D, Franke A, Freiberger E, et al. Journal article Obesity causes inflammatory Milieu in Kidneys of aging Long-Evans-Rats (2019) Laurentius T, Raffetseder U, Fellner C, Kob R, Nourbakhsh M, Floege J, Bertsch T, et al. Conference contribution Sarcopenia Screening: the German Version of SARC-F (2019) Ferrari U, Drey M, Schraml M, Kemmler W, Schöne D, Sieber C, Franke A, et al. Conference contribution Update des SPRINTT Projekts: Sarcopenia and Physical fRailty IN older people: multi-componenT Treatment strategies (2019) Freiberger E, Sieber C, Kob R Conference contribution High-fat diet-induced obesity causes an inflammatory microenvironment in the kidneys of aging Long-Evans rats (2019) Laurentius T, Raffetseder U, Fellner C, Kob R, Nourbakhsh M, Floege J, Bertsch T, et al. Journal article Diagnosis and therapy of sarcopenia-an update (2019) Goisser S, Kob R, Sieber C, Bauer JM Journal article Long-Chain Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Markers Coaccumulate in the Skeletal Muscle of Sarcopenic Old Rats (2019) Laurentius T, Kob R, Fellner C, Nourbakhsh M, Bertsch T, Sieber C, Bollheimer LC Journal article Sarcopenia and Physical fRailty IN older people: multi-componenT Treatment strategies: die EU Studie SPRINTT (2018) Kob R, Schöne D, Freiberger E, Sieber C Conference contribution
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