Dr. Robert Kob

Picture of Robert Kob


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




TIGER -Transsectoral Intervention Program for the Improvement of Geriatric Care in Regensburg - Investigation of Physical Functionality (2022) Kob R, Sieber C, Freiberger E Conference contribution Safe Cycling in Old Age (SiFAr) - A randomized controlled Intervention Trial (2022) Siebentritt H, Keppner V, Krumpoch S, Freiberger E, Kob R Conference contribution Feasibility and Safety of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation in Frail Older People—A Pilot Trial (2022) Blöckl JA, Raps S, Weineck M, Kob R, Bertsch T, Kemmler W, Schöne D Journal article Association Between Inflammation and Appetite in Healthy Community-Dwelling Older Adults-An enable Study. (2022) Chareh N, Kießwetter E, Kob R, Hannink A, Brandl B, Skurk T, Hauner H, et al. Journal article Outcomes addressed in randomized controlled lifestyle intervention trials in community-dwelling older people with (sarcopenic) obesity—An evidence map (2022) Galicia Ernst I, Torbahn G, Schwingshackl L, Knuettel H, Kob R, Kemmler W, Sieber C, et al. Journal article, Review article Safer cycling in older age (SiFAr): a protocol of a randomized controlled trial (2021) Siebentritt H, Keppner V, Britting S, Kob R, Rappl A, Sieber C, Freiberger E Journal article Physiological stress in safer cycling in older age (SiFAr-stress): effect of a multicomponent exercise intervention—a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (2021) Britting S, Kob R, Sieber C, Rohleder N, Freiberger E, Becker L Journal article, other Validation of the German Version of the "Protein Screener 55+"Short Questionnaire (2021) Kießwetter E, Siebentritt H, Schöne D, Kob R, Freiberger E, Sieber C, Visser M, et al. Conference contribution Impaired kidney function is associated with lower quality of life among community-dwelling older adults (2020) Artzi-Medvedik R, Kob R, Fabbietti P, Lattanzio F, Corsonello A, Melzer Y, Roller-Wirnsberger R, et al. Journal article, Original article Kidney function and other factors and their association with falls (2020) Britting S, Artzi-Medvedik R, Fabbietti P, Tap L, Mattace-Raso F, Corsonello A, Lattanzio F, et al. Journal article