Prof. Philip St. John Russell


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Reconstruction of guided helical bloch modes in twisted coreless photonic crystal fibre using bessel beams (2019) Roth P, Wong GK, Frosz MH, Ahmed G, Russell PSJ Conference contribution Rapid and accurate calculation of vector photonic band-structure in regular arrays of coupled waveguides (2019) Chen Y, Russell PSJ Conference contribution Influence of different gases on ionisation-induced refractive index changes in gas-filled hollow-core PCF (2019) Koehler JR, Köttig F, Tani F, Russell PSJ Conference contribution Vector helical bloch modes in N-fold rotationally symmetric waveguiding structures: Spin and Azimuthal order (2019) Russell PSJ, Chen Y, Roth P, Wong GKL Conference contribution Inter-pulse dynamics at high repetition rates by femtosecond ionization in gas-filled fibres (2019) Köttig F, Koehler JR, Tani F, Russell PSJ Conference contribution Non-invasive real-time characterization of hollow-core photonic crystal fibres using whispering gallery mode spectroscopy (2019) Frosz MH, Pennetta R, Enders MT, Ahmed G, Russell PSJ Conference contribution Fabrication and characterization of tapered single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fibre (2019) Pennetta R, Enders MT, Frosz MH, Tani F, Russell PSJ Conference contribution Dual-colour-pump broadband CARS in single-ring gas-filled photonic crystal fibre (2019) Tyumenev R, Spath L, Trabold BM, Ahmed G, Frosz MH, Russell PSJ Conference contribution Generation of broad-band circularly polarised supercontinuum in chiral photonic crystal fibre (2019) Sopalla R, Wong GK, Joly N, Jiang X, Frosz MH, Ahmed G, Russell PSJ Conference contribution CEP-stable generation of close to single-cycle and ultrashort UV pulses at 800 kHz repetition rate using a gas-filled hollow-core PCF (2019) Ermolov A, Heide C, Dienstbier P, Tani F, Köttig F, Hommelhoff P, Russell PSJ Conference contribution