Michael Klumpp


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




In Situ Multimodal 3D Chemical Imaging of a Hierarchically Structured Core@Shell Catalyst (2017) Sheppard T, Price S, Benzi F, Baier S, Klumpp M, Dittmeyer R, Schwieger W, Grunwaldt J Journal article Stability of a Bifunctional Cu-Based Core@Zeolite Shell Catalyst for Dimethyl Ether Synthesis Under Redox Conditions Studied by Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy and In Situ X-Ray Ptychography (2017) Baier S, Damsgaard S, Klumpp M, Reinhardt J, Sheppard T, Balogh Z, Kasama T, et al. Journal article Adsorption Device Based on a Langatate Crystal Microbalance for High Temperature High Pressure Gas Adsorption in Zeolite H-ZSM-5. (2016) Ding W, Baracchini G, Klumpp M, Schwieger W, Dittmeyer R Journal article Building concept inspired by raspberries: From microporous zeolite nanocrystals to hierarchically porous assemblies (2016) Klumpp M, Zeng L, Al-Thabaiti SA, Weber AP, Schwieger W Journal article Präparationsprinzipien mikroporöser Materialien: Vom building block zum hierarchisch aufgebauten porösen System (2016) Schwieger W, Klumpp M, Al-Thabaiti SA, Hartmann M Journal article Preparation Principles of Microporous Materials: From Building Blocks Towards Hierarchically Ordered Systems (2016) Schwieger W, Klumpp M, Al-Thabaiti SA, Hartmann M Journal article, Original article Hierarchy concepts: classification and preparation strategies for zeolite containing materials with hierarchical porosity (2016) Schwieger W, Machoke A, Weissenberger T, Inayat A, Selvam T, Klumpp M, Inayat A Journal article Development of a new pressure drop correlation for open-cell foams based completely on theoretical grounds: Taking into account strut shape and geometric tortuosity (2016) Inayat A, Klumpp M, Lämmermann M, Freund H, Schwieger W Journal article, Original article Fabrication and pressure drop behavior of novel monolithic structures with zeolitic architectures (2016) Schwieger W, Thangaraj T, Warmuth F, Warnick KG, Klumpp M, Lodes M, Körner C Journal article, Original article Investigation of High-Temperature and High-Pressure Gas Adsorption in Zeolite H-ZSM-5 via the Langatate Crystal Microbalance: CO2, H2O, Methanol, and Dimethyl Ether (2015) Ding W, Klumpp M, Li H, Schygulla U, Pfeifer P, Schwieger W, Haas-Santo K, Dittmeyer R Journal article