Tobias Weissenberger


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




MFI Type Zeolite Aggregates with Nanosized Particles via a Combination of Spray Drying and Steam-Assisted Crystallization (SAC) Techniques (2023) Machoke A, Arias AM, Baracchini G, Rubin M, Baser HH, Weissenberger T, Dittmeyer R, et al. Journal article Coupled ptychography and tomography reconstruction of experimental data (2021) Kahnt M, Becher J, Brueckner D, Fam Y, Sheppard T, Weissenberger T, Wittwer F, et al. Conference contribution Correlative 3D characterization of hierarchical zeolite structures linking nano X-ray tomography and 360° electron tomography (2021) Drobek D, Apeleo Zubiri B, Wirth J, Englisch S, Weissenberger T, Schwieger W, Spiecker E Conference contribution, Original article Synthesis and Catalytic Performance of Aluminium-containing Mesoporous, Spherical Silica Particles (2021) Weissenberger T, Machoke A, Kolle JM, Avadhut Y, Hartmann M, Schwieger W Journal article Preparation and Potential Catalytic Applications of Hierarchically Structured Zeolites with Macropores (2021) Weissenberger T, Machoke A, Reiprich B, Schwieger W Journal article, Review article Correlative Laboratory Nano-CT and 360° Electron Tomography of Macropore Structures in Hierarchical Zeolites (2020) Apeleo Zubiri B, Wirth J, Drobek D, Englisch S, Przybilla T, Weissenberger T, Schwieger W, Spiecker E Journal article Hierarchical ZSM-5 Catalysts: The Effect of Different Intracrystalline Pore Dimensions on Catalyst Deactivation Behaviour in the MTO Reaction (2020) Weissenberger T, Machoke A, Bauer J, Dotzel R, Casci JL, Hartmann M, Schwieger W Journal article Layer-like FAU-type zeolites: A comparative view on different preparation routes (2020) Reiprich B, Weissenberger T, Schwieger W, Inayat A Journal article, Review article Coupled ptychography and tomography algorithm improves reconstruction of experimental data (2019) Kahnt M, Becher J, Brueckner D, Fam Y, Sheppard T, Weissenberger T, Wittwer F, et al. Journal article Scale-Bridging 3D Analysis of Micro-/Macroporous Zeolite Particles Using X-Ray Nano-Tomography and Electron Tomography (2019) Apeleo Zubiri B, Weissenberger T, Przybilla T, Wirth J, Englisch S, Drobek D, Schwieger W, Spiecker E Journal article, Original article