Dr. Saman Hosseinpour

Picture of Saman Hosseinpour


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The influence of thickness of stearic acid self-assembled film on its protective properties (2016) Hosseinpour S Journal article, Original article Corrosion Inhibition of Two Brass Alloys by Octadecanethiol in Humidified Air with Formic Acid (2015) Hosseinpour S Journal article Monolayer study by VSFS: in situ response to compression and shear in a contact (2014) Hosseinpour S, Ghalgaoui A, Shimizu R, Hosseinpour S, Alvarez-Asencio R, Mckee C, Johnson CM, Rutland MW Journal article, Original article Self-assembled monolayers as inhibitors for the atmospheric corrosion of copper induced by formic acid: A comparison between hexanethiol and hexaneselenol (2014) Hosseinpour S Journal article, Original article Combined in situ quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring, indirect nanoplasmonic sensing, and vibrational sum frequency spectroscopic monitoring of alkanethiol-protected copper corrosion (2013) Hosseinpour S Journal article Nanoplasmonic Sensing for Monitoring the Initial Stages of Atmospheric Corrosion of Cu Nanodisks and Thin Films (2013) Hosseinpour S Journal article Radiation induced corrosion of copper for spent nuclear fuel storage (2013) Hosseinpour S Journal article Alkanethiols as inhibitors for the atmospheric corrosion of copper induced by formic acid: Effect of chain length (2013) Hosseinpour S Journal article, Original article Radiation Induced Corrosion of Copper in Anoxic Aqueous Solution (2012) Hosseinpour S Journal article Integration of quartz crystal microbalance with vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy-quantification of the initial oxidation of alkanethiol-covered copper (2012) Hosseinpour S Journal article, Original article