Methods and Apparatuses for Positioning in a Wireless Communications Network

Patent type: Property right

Process state: patent applied

Patent number: EP3819657A1

Registration date: Nov. 7, 2019

Approval date: May 12, 2021


The present disclosure relates to methods and apparatuses for improving positioning of a device in a wireless communications network. In some embodiments, a method performed by a measuring device (201, 1300) configured to communicate with a positioning device (205, 1500), comprises: determining (1201) a cross-correlation between a received signal and a transmitted reference signal; determining (1202) a channel impulse response (CIR) of the cross-correlation related to a first lobe detected above a selected threshold in said CIR; and reporting (1203) information on a truncated part of the CIR around the first lobe to the positioning device (205, 1500) for enabling the positioning device (205, 1500) to correct or estimate a measurement related to a distance between a transmitter (202, 203, 204) and the measuring device (201, 1300) and/or a distance between at least one reflecting cluster and the measuring device (201, 1300).


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