Hochschule RheinMain / RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

University / College

Location: Wiesbaden, Germany (DE) DE

ROR: https://ror.org/0378gm372


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Learning motivation and self-assessment in health economics: a survey on overconfidence in healthcare providers (2024) Bushuven S, Bentele M, Trifunovic-Koenig M, Gerber B, Bentele S, Hagen F, Schöffski O, et al. Journal article, Original article Bildung ermöglichen – Bildung ermöglicht. Prozess und Ergebnis einer transdisziplinären Auseinandersetzung (2023) Rüger S, Jänsch M, Beyer C, Akansu E Book chapter / Article in edited volumes A Region-Based Gauss-Newton Approach to Real-Time Monocular Multiple Object Tracking (2019) Tjaden H, Schwanecke U, Schoemer E, Cremers D Journal article Thermoelectric properties of Au and Ti nanofilms, characterized with a novel measurement platform (2019) Linseis V, Voelklein F, Reith H, Nielsch K, Woias P Conference contribution Thickness and temperature dependent thermoelectric properties of Bi87Sb13 nanofilms measured with a novel measurement platform (2018) Linseis , Voelklein F, Reith H, Huehne R, Schnatmann L, Nielsch K, Woias P Journal article Analytical Investigation of the Limits for the In-Plane Thermal Conductivity Measurement Using a Suspended Membrane Setup (2018) Linseis V, Voelklein F, Reith H, Woias P, Nielsch K Journal article Advanced platform for the in-plane ZT measurement of thin films (2018) Linseis V, Voelklein F, Reith H, Nielsch K, Woias P Journal article Influence of surface states and size effects on the Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistance of Bi1-xSbx nanowire arrays (2017) Cassinelli M, Mueller S, Voss KO, Trautmann C, Voelklein F, Gooth J, Nielsch K, Toimil-Molares ME Journal article Platform for in-plane ZT measurement and Hall coefficient determination of thin films in a temperature range from 120 K up to 450 K (2016) Linseis V, Voelklein F, Reith H, Woias P, Nielsch K Journal article Thermoelectric Bi2Te3 Nanomaterials (2015) Eibl O, Nielsch K, Peranio N, Völklein F Authored book