Sapporo-Kosei General Hospital / JA北海道厚生連札幌厚生病院
Japan (JP)
Dense volumetric detection and segmentation of mediastinal lymph nodes in chest CT images (2018)
Oda H, Roth HR, Bhatia KK, Oda M, Kitasaka T, Iwano S, Homma H, et al.
Conference contribution
Automated mediastinal lymph node detection from CT volumes based on intensity targeted radial structure tensor analysis (2017)
Oda H, Bhatia KK, Oda M, Kitasaka T, Iwano S, Homma H, Takabatake H, et al.
Journal article
Hessian-assisted supervoxel: Structure-oriented voxel clustering and application to mediastinal lymph node detection from CT volumes (2017)
Oda H, Bhatia KK, Oda M, Kitasaka T, Iwano S, Homma H, Takabatake H, et al.
Conference contribution
Cascade registration of micro CT volumes taken in multiple resolutions (2016)
Nagara K, Oda H, Nakamura S, Oda M, Homma H, Takabatake H, Mori M, et al.
Conference contribution
Development of a new classification for in vivo diagnosis of duodenal epithelial tumors with confocal laser endomicroscopy: A pilot study (2016)
Nonaka K, Ohata K, Ichihara S, Ban S, Hiejima Y, Minato Y, Tashima T, et al.
Journal article