World Health Organization (WHO) / Weltgesundheitsorganisation
Switzerland (CH)
ISNI: 0000000121633745
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P01-15 National focal point network for physical activity promotion-experiences from the european union (2022)
Tcymbal A, Gelius P, Abu-Omar K, Messing S, Whiting S, Kremlin W
Conference contribution
An introduction to the WHO 5th edition 2022 classification of testicular tumours (2022)
Berney DM, Cree I, Rao V, Moch H, Srigley JR, Tsuzuki T, Amin MB, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Examining the Association Between Self-Reported Estimates of Function and Objective Measures of Gait and Physical Capacity in Lumbar Stenosis (2021)
Odonkor C, Taraben S, Tomkins-Lane C, Zhang W, Muaremi A, Leutheuser H, Sun R, Smuck M
Journal article, Original article