Facebook, Inc.

Industry / private company

Location: Menlo Park, CA, United States (USA) (US) US

ISNI: 000000040615529X

ROR: https://ror.org/01zbnvs85


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Encoding Time and Energy Model for SVT-AV1 based on Video Complexity (2024) Eichermüller L, Chaudhari G, Katsavounidis I, Lei Z, Tmar H, Herglotz C, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Encoder Complexity Control in SVT-AV1 by Speed-Adaptive Preset Switching (2023) Eichermüller L, Chaudhari G, Katsavounidis I, Lei Z, Tmar H, Kaup A, Herglotz C Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Exploring the Acceleration Limits of Deep Learning Variational Network–based Two-dimensional Brain MRI (2022) Radmanesh A, Muckley MJ, Murrell T, Lindsey E, Sriram A, Knoll F, Sodickson DK, Lui YW Journal article, Original article NeuroMorph: Unsupervised Shape Interpolation and Correspondence in One Go (2021) Eisenberger M, Novotny D, Kerchenbaum G, Labatut P, Neverova N, Cremers D, Vedaldi A Conference contribution Evaluation of the Robustness of Learned MR Image Reconstruction to Systematic Deviations Between Training and Test Data for the Models from the fastMRI Challenge (2021) Johnson PM, Jeong G, Hammernik K, Schlemper J, Qin C, Duan J, Rueckert D, et al. Conference contribution Results of the 2020 fastMRI Challenge for Machine Learning MR Image Reconstruction (2021) Muckley MJ, Riemenschneider B, Radmanesh A, Kim S, Jeong G, Ko J, Jun Y, et al. Journal article Advancing machine learning for MR image reconstruction with an open competition: Overview of the 2019 fastMRI challenge (2020) Knoll F, Murrell T, Sriram A, Yakubova N, Zbontar J, Rabbat M, Defazio A, et al. Journal article Using Deep Learning to Accelerate Knee MRI at 3 T: Results of an Interchangeability Study (2020) Recht MP, Zbontar J, Sodickson DK, Knoll F, Yakubova N, Sriram A, Murrell T, et al. Journal article FastMRI: A publicly available raw k-space and DICOM dataset of knee images for accelerated MR image reconstruction using machine learning (2020) Knoll F, Zbontar J, Sriram A, Muckley MJ, Bruno M, Defazio A, Parente M, et al. Journal article End-to-End Variational Networks for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction (2020) Sriram A, Zbontar J, Murrell T, Defazio A, Zitnick CL, Yakubova N, Knoll F, Johnson P Conference contribution