Sozialversicherung für Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Gartenbau (SVLFG)
insurance company / state insurance
Germany (DE)
ISNI: 0000000449078511
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Reduction in Earning Capacity (MdE) for work-related Skin Cancer MdE Tables for BK Numbers 5102 and 5103 (2021)
Krohn S, Skudlik C, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article
Legal Changes in Occupational Diseases - Effects on the Assessment of the Reduction in Earning Capacity (MdE) in the case of work-related Skin Diseases within the Meaning of BK No. 5101 Case Studies and new Obligations to Cooperate (2021)
Krohn S, Skudlik C, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article
Occupational skin disease BK-No. 5101 - causality with case reports (2021)
Skudlik C, Krohn S, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article, Editorial
Occupational Disease No. 5101 - Legal Concept of Severe or repeatedly relapsing Skin Disease Testing Algorithm and Case Studies (2021)
Skudlik C, Krohn S, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article, Editorial
Changes in the law for occupational diseases - effects on the assessment of reduced earning capacity (MdE) in the case of work-related skin diseases within the meaning of BK no. 5101 (2020)
Krohn S, Skudlik C, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article
Legal term / interpretation "Serious or recurrent skin disease" from January 1, 2021: Consultation result of the Bamberg AG recommendation (2020)
Skudlik C, Krohn S, Bauer A, Bernhard-Klimt C, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, et al.
Journal article