Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Prävention (ADP) e. V.

Scientific academy / society / association

Location: Hamburg, Buxtehude, Germany (DE) DE



Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Who Are the Nonusers of Sunscreen, and What Are Their Reasons? Development of a New Item Set (2021) Diehl K, Schneider S, Seuffert S, Greinert R, Goerig T Journal article Sun protection and sunburn in children aged 1-10 years in germany: Prevalence and determinants (2021) Görig T, Södel C, Pfahlberg A, Gefeller O, Breitbart E, Diehl K Journal article Shift in place of tanning bed use from tanning salons to spa, fitness, and beauty facilities: A trend perspective (2021) Diehl K, Breitbart EW, De Buhr Y, Schneider S, Goerig T Journal article S3-Leitlinie „Aktinische Keratose und Plattenepithelkarzinom der Haut“ – Kurzfassung, Teil 1: Diagnostik, Interventionen bei aktinischen Keratosen, Versorgungsstrukturen und Qualitätsindikatoren (2020) Heppt MV, Leiter U, Steeb T, Amaral T, Bauer A, Becker JC, Breitbart E, et al. Journal article Trends in tanning bed use, motivation, and risk awareness in Germany: Findings from four waves of the national cancer aid monitoring (NCAM) (2019) Diehl K, Goerig T, Greinert R, Breitbart EW, Schneider S Journal article First evaluation of the Behavioral Addiction Indoor Tanning Screener (BAITS) in a nationwide representative sample (2018) Diehl K, Breitbart EW, Greinert R, Hillhouse JJ, Stapleton JL, Schneider S, Goerig T Journal article German “National Cancer Aid Monitoring” 2015–2019 – study protocol and initial results (2017) Schneider S, Goerig T, Schilling L, Breitbart EW, Greinert R, Diehl K Journal article Prävalenz, Risikogruppen und Motive der Solariennutzung in Deutschland (2016) Schneider S, Breitbart EW, Greinert R, Diehl K, Goerig T Journal article, Review article Use of sunbeds by minors despite a legal regulation: Extent, characteristics, and reasons (2013) Diehl K, Bock C, Greinert R, Breitbart EW, Schneider S Journal article Building awareness of the health risks of sunbed use: Identification of target groups for prevention (2013) Diehl K, Bock C, Breitbart E, Greinert R, Schneider S Journal article