Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie / Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA)
Research facility
Austria (AT)
ISNI: 0000000100082788
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The Xbp1-regulated transcription factor Mist1 restricts antibody secretion by restraining Blimp1 expression in plasma cells (2022)
Wöhner M, Pinter T, Boenelt P, Hagelkruys A, Kostanova-Poliakova D, Stadlmann J, Konieczny SF, et al.
Journal article
A crucial role for Jagunal homolog 1 in humoral immunity and antibody glycosylation in mice and humans (2020)
Hagelkruys A, Wirnsberger G, Stadlmann J, Wöhner M, Horrer M, Vilagos B, Jonsson G, et al.
Journal article
Predicting functional neuroanatomical maps from fusing brain networks with genetic information (2018)
Ganglberger F, Kaczanowska J, Penninger JM, Heß A, Buehler K, Haubensak W
Journal article
Time-Specific Effects of Spindle Positioning on Embryonic Progenitor Pool Composition and Adult Neural Stem Cell Seeding (2017)
Falk S, Bugeon S, Ninkovic J, Pilz GA, Postiglione MP, Cremer H, Knoblich JA, Goetz M
Journal article