VA Boston Healthcare System


Location: Boston, MA, United States (USA) (US) US

ISNI: 0000000446571992


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Clinical Application of Ultrahigh-Field-Strength Wrist MRI: A Multireader 3-T and 7-T Comparison Study (2023) Heiß R, Weber MA, Balbach E, Schmitt R, Rehnitz C, Laqmani A, Sternberg A, et al. Journal article PET Imaging in Osteoarthritis (2023) Jarraya M, Roemer F, Bäuerle T, Kogan F, Guermazi A Journal article, Review article HETEROGENOUS CARTILAGE DAMAGE SEEN ON MRI AMONG KNEES WITH KELLGREN-LAWRENCE 2 & 3 OSTEOARTHRITIS: WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR CLINICAL TRIALS? (2022) Jarraya M, Roemer F, Ashbeck E, Lynch J, Kwoh CK, Guermazi A Conference contribution MRI-BASED SEMI-QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT ALLOWS TARGETED SELECTION OF KNEES WITH ACCELERATED QUANTITATIVE CARTILAGE THICKNESS LOSS: DATA FROM THE OAI FNIH BIOMARKER CONSORTIUM (2022) Wirth W, Maschek S, Wisser A, Guermazi A, Hunter DJ, Eckstein F, Roemer FW Conference contribution TECHNICAL SUCCESS RATE OF INTRA-ARTICULAR KNEE INJECTION-COMPARISON BETWEEN ULTRASOUND-GUIDED AND PALPATION-GUIDED INJECTION USING RADIOGRAPHIC DEPICTION OF INTRA-ARTICULAR AIR CONTRAST AS A REFERENCE (2022) Guermazi A, Hayashi D, Mclennan C, Crema M, Jarraya M, Raghavan S, Roemer FW Conference contribution Meta-GWAS Reveals Novel Genetic Variants Associated with Urinary Excretion of Uromodulin (2022) Joseph CB, Mariniello M, Yoshifuji A, Schiano G, Lake J, Marten J, Richmond A, et al. Journal article Prevalence of MRI-Detected Ankle Injuries in Athletes in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics. (2019) Heiß R, Guermazi A, Jarraya M, Engebretsen L, Hotfiel T, Parva P, Roemer F Journal article