IGES Institut GmbH

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Location: Berlin, Germany (DE) DE


ROR: https://ror.org/04qchsx62

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
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Unpublished / Preprint

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A multimodal aftercare intervention improves the outcome after kidney transplantation – results of the KTx360° aftercare program using claims data (2024) Pape L, DeZwaan M, Nöhre M, Klewitz F, Kyaw Tha Tun E, Prüfe J, Schiffer L, et al. Journal article Structured triage in the emergency department via intelligent assistant service OPTINOFA: Results of a multicenter, cluster-randomized and controlled interventional study in Germany Strukturierte Ersteinschätzung in der Notaufnahme mittels des intelligenten Assistenzdienstes OPTINOFA: Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen, clusterrandomisierten und kontrollierten Interventionsstudie in Deutschland (2024) Blaschke S, Dormann H, Somasundaram R, Dodt C, Graeff I, Busch HJ, Erdmann B, et al. Journal article Chronische Entzündungserkrankungen in Deutschland: Eine Querschnittanalyse über Begleiterkrankungen und Arzneimitteleinsatz (2023) Leipe J, Schmelz R, Riemekasten G, Thaçi D, Henes J, Schäkel K, Pinter A, et al. Journal article Coordinated, Multimodal Care After Kidney Transplantation Improves Graft Survival and Cardiovascular Risks - Results of the Kidney Transplantation 360 degrees- Study (ktx360 degrees). (2022) Pape L, Dezwaan M, Kliem V, Nolting H, Wolff J, Tegtbur U, Schiffer M Conference contribution CCSchool: a multicentre, prospective study on improving continuum of care in children and adolescents with mental health problems associated with school problems in Germany. (2018) Böge I, Herrmann J, Wolff JK, Hoffmann U, Kölch M, Kurepkat M, Lütte S, et al. Journal article The KTx360°-study: a multicenter, multisectoral, multimodal, telemedicine-based follow-up care model to improve care and reduce health-care costs after kidney transplantation in children and adults (2017) Pape L, De Zwaan M, Tegtbur U, Feldhaus F, Wolff JK, Schiffer L, Lerch C, et al. Journal article