Hautmedizin Bad Soden

Industry / private company

Location: Bad Soden/Ts., Germany (DE) DE



Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Juckreiz, Schlafstörungen, depressive Symptome, Fatigue und Einschränkungen der Arbeitsproduktivität bei Patienten mit moderater bis schwerer atopischer Dermatitis: Daten aus dem TREATgermany-Register (2023) Birkner T, Siegels D, Heinrich L, Haufe E, Abraham S, Heratizadeh A, Harder I, et al. Journal article Itch, sleep loss, depressive symptoms, fatigue, and productivity loss in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: Analyses of TREATgermany registry data (2023) Birkner T, Siegels D, Heinrich L, Haufe E, Abraham S, Heratizadeh A, Harder I, et al. Journal article Dupilumab but not cyclosporine treatment shifts the microbiome toward a healthy skin flora in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (2023) Hartmann J, Moitinho-Silva L, Sander N, Harder I, Häsler R, Rodriguez E, Haufe E, et al. Journal article Assessment of the Severity of Atopic Dermatitis by Physicians and Patients depending on Gender: Results from the German Atopic Dermatitis Registry TREATgermany (2021) Heinrich L, Haufe E, Abraham S, Heratizadeh A, Harder , Kleinheinz A, Wollenberg A, et al. Conference contribution Dermatological Quality of Life and Neurodermatitis: Results from the German Neurodermatitis Registry TREATgermany (2021) Helmert C, Haufe E, Abraham S, Heratizadeh A, Harder I, Kleinheinz A, Wollenberg A, et al. Conference contribution THE GERMAN AD REGISTRY TREATGERMANY: RESULTS FROM AN INTERIM DATA ANALYSIS ON BASELINE CHARACTERISTICS, COMORBIDITIES AND TREATMENT HISTORY (2021) Heratizadeh A, Haufe E, Stoelzl D, Abraham S, Heinrich L, Kleinheinz A, Wollenberg A, et al. Conference contribution Baseline characteristics, disease severity and treatment history of patients with atopic dermatitis included in the German AD Registry TREATgermany (2020) Heratizadeh A, Haufe E, Stoelzl D, Abraham S, Heinrich L, Kleinheinz A, Wollenberg A, et al. Journal article Itching and Neurodermatitis: Results from the German Neurodermatitis Register TREATgermany (2020) Haufe E, Heinrich L, Weisshaar E, Abraham S, Heratizadeh A, Harder I, Kleinheinz A, et al. Conference contribution Implementation of dupilumab in routine care of atopic eczema. Results from the German national registry TREATgermany (2020) Abraham S, Haufe E, Harder I, Heratizadeh A, Kleinheinz A, Wollenberg A, Weisshaar E, et al. Journal article Effects of structured patient education in adults with atopic dermatitis: Multicenter randomized controlled trial (2017) Heratizadeh A, Werfel T, Wollenberg A, Abraham S, Plank-Habibi S, Schnopp C, Sticherling M, et al. Journal article