Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung

Research facility

Location: Stuttgart, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000110156736


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Unconventional Crystal Structure of the High-Pressure Superconductor La3Ni2 O7 (2024) Puphal P, Reiss P, Enderlein N, Wu YM, Khaliullin G, Sundaramurthy V, Priessnitz T, et al. Journal article Superconductivity and Mott Physics in Organic Charge Transfer Materials (2024) Menke H, Klett M, Kanoda K, Georges A, Ferrero M, Schäfer T Journal article Mott transition and pseudogap of the square-lattice Hubbard model: Results from center-focused cellular dynamical mean-field theory (2024) Meixner M, Menke H, Klett M, Heinzelmann S, Andergassen S, Hansmann P, Schäfer T Journal article Electronic response of a Mott insulator at a current-induced insulator-to-metal transition (2024) Suen CT, Marković I, Zonno M, Heinsdorf N, Zhdanovich S, Jo NH, Schmid M, et al. Journal article Fabrication and Characterization of a Magnetic 3D-printed Microactuator (2024) Rothermel F, Thiele S, Jung C, Krapf A, Ilse SE, Merle B, Giessen H, Herkommer AM Journal article Mott insulators with boundary zeros (2023) Wagner N, Crippa L, Amaricci A, Hansmann P, Klett M, König EJ, Schäfer T, et al. Journal article Distinct spin and orbital dynamics in Sr2RuO4 (2023) Suzuki H, Wang L, Bertinshaw J, Strand HU, Käser S, Krautloher M, Yang Z, et al. Journal article Exceptionally clean single-electron transistors from solutions of molecular graphene nanoribbons (2023) Niu W, Sopp S, Lodi A, Gee A, Kong F, Pei T, Gehring P, et al. Journal article A Universal Design Strategy Based on NiPS3 Nanosheets towards Efficient Photothermal Conversion and Solar Desalination (2023) Wang H, Bo Y, Klingenhof M, Peng J, Wang D, Wu B, Pezoldt J, et al. Journal article Terahertz Spin-to-Charge Current Conversion in Stacks of Ferromagnets and the Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide NbSe2 (2022) Nadvornik L, Gueckstock O, Braun L, Niu C, Graefe J, Richter G, Schuetz G, et al. Journal article