Medical University of Łódź / Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi

University / College

Location: Łódź, Poland (PL) PL

ISNI: 0000000121653025


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




An artificial intelligence-assisted clinical framework to facilitate diagnostics and translational discovery in hematologic neoplasia (2024) Tang M, Antić Ž, Fardzadeh P, Pietzsch S, Schröder C, Eberhardt A, van Bömmel A, et al. Journal article Kidney function and other associated factors of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults: The SCOPE study (2024) Moreno-González R, Cruzado JM, Corsonello A, Fabbietti P, Tap L, Mattace-Raso F, Ärnlöv J, et al. Journal article The tendon of the fibularis brevis muscle – Systematic overview and new classification system (2024) Zielinska N, Tubbs RS, Gonera B, Georgiev GP, Paulsen F, Olewnik Ł Journal article, Review article Morphological variability of the fibularis brevis tendon in human fetuses (2024) Olewnik Ł, Zielinska N, Ruzik K, Podgórski M, Kiciński P, Diogo R, Paulsen F Journal article Short physical performance battery is not associated with falls and injurious falls in older persons: longitudinal data of the SCOPE project (2024) Freiberger E, Fabbietti P, Corsonello A, Lattanzio F, Sieber C, Tap L, Mattace-Raso F, et al. Journal article Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Chronic Heart Failure and Modulating Role of Chronic Kidney Disease (2024) Formiga F, Moreno-Gónzalez R, Corsonello A, Mattace-Raso F, Carlsson AC, Ärnlöv J, Kostka J, et al. Journal article Morphological variability of the pectoralis major muscle in human fetuses (2023) Zielinska N, Ruzik K, Podgórski M, Koptas K, Moryś J, Paulsen F, Olewnik Ł Journal article Quality of Life and Kidney Function in Older Adults: Prospective Data of the SCOPE Study (2023) Artzi-Medvedik R, Kob R, Di Rosa M, Lattanzio F, Corsonello A, Yehoshua I, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, et al. Journal article Ability to remotely monitor atrial high-rate episodes using a single-chamber implantable cardioverter-defibrillator with a floating atrial sensing dipole (2023) Hindricks G, Theuns DA, Bar-Lev D, Anguera I, Ayala Paredes FA, Arnold M, Geller JC, et al. Journal article Anatomical variations of the biceps brachii insertion: a proposal for a new classification. (2023) Szewczyk B, Paulsen F, LaPrade RF, Borowski A, Zielinska N, Olewnik Journal article