Fachhochschule Oberösterreich (FH OÖ)
University / College
Hagenberg, Linz, Steyr, Wels,
Austria (AT)
ISNI: 0000000405218674
ROR: https://ror.org/03jqp6d56
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Discrete adjoint method for variational integration of constrained ODEs and its application to optimal control of geometrically exact beam dynamics (2023)
Schubert M, Sato Martin de Almagro R, Nachbagauer K, Ober-Blöbaum S, Leyendecker S
Journal article, Original article
Reasons for SMEs to engage in multi-tier supply chain management – a social capital perspective (2023)
Dopler S, Müller J, Eick M, Winter M, Zeisler A
Journal article
Surfing Virtual Waves to Thermal Tomography: From model- to deep learning-based reconstructions (2022)
Kovacs P, Lehner B, Thummerer G, Mayr G, Burgholzer P, Huemer M
Journal article
Information sharing and multi-tier supply chain management of SMEs in the context of Industry 4.0 (2022)
Winter M, Dopler S, Müller JM, Zeisler A
Conference contribution
Nondestructive characterization of fiber orientation in short fiber reinforced polymer composites with X-ray vector radiography (2017)
Prade F, Schaff F, Senck S, Meyer PE, Mohr J, Kastner J, Pfeiffer F
Journal article
Creating Competitive Advantage from Services (2017)
Rau C, Zbiek A, Jonas J
Journal article