Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades


Location: Paris, France (FR) FR

ISNI: 0000000405939113

ROR: https://ror.org/05tr67282

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Standardized computer-based organized reporting of EEG: SCORE - Second version (2017) Beniczky S, Aurlien H, Brogger JC, Hirsch LJ, Schomer DL, Trinka E, Pressler RM, et al. Journal article Transduction of Herpesvirus saimiri-Transformed T Cells with Exogenous Genes of Interest (2016) Martínez-Barricarte R, De Jong SJ, Markle J, De Paus R, Boisson-Dupuis S, Bustamante J, Van de Vosse E, et al. Journal article Corrigendum: Evidence of innate lymphoid cell redundancy in humans (2016) Vely F, Barlogis V, Vallentin B, Neven B, Piperoglou C, Ebbo M, Perchet T, et al. Journal article, Erratum Evidence of innate lymphoid cell redundancy in humans (2016) Vely F, Barlogis V, Vallentin B, Neven B, Piperoglou C, Perchet T, Petit M, et al. Journal article A Multiplex Kindred with Hennekam Syndrome due to Homozygosity for a CCBE1 Mutation that does not Prevent Protein Expression (2016) Jackson CC, Best L, Lorenzo L, Casanova JL, Wacker J, Bertz S, Agaimy A, Harrer T Journal article A novel missense mutation in the gene EDARADD associated with an unusual phenotype of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (2016) Wohlfart S, Söder S, Smahi A, Schneider H Journal article Whole-exome sequencing identifies mutations of TBC1D1 encoding a Rab-GTPase-activating protein in patients with congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract (CAKUT) (2016) Kosfeld A, Kreuzer M, Daniel C, Brand F, Schaefer AK, Chadt A, Weiss AC, et al. Journal article The global spread of HIV-1 subtype B epidemic (2016) Magiorkinis G, Angelis K, Mamais I, Katzourakis A, Hatzakis A, Albert J, Lawyer G, et al. Journal article Human TYK2 deficiency: Mycobacterial and viral infections without hyper-IgE syndrome (2015) Kreins AY, Ciancanelli MJ, Okada S, Kong XF, Ramirez-Alejo N, Kilic SS, El Baghdadi J, et al. Journal article Renal fibrosis is the common feature of autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney diseases caused by mutations in mucin 1 or uromodulin (2014) Ekici AB, Hackenbeck T, Moriniere V, Panness A, Büttner M, Uebe S, Janka RM, et al. Journal article