

Location: Wien / Vienna, Austria (AT) AT

ISNI: 0000000089870344

ROR: https://ror.org/0163qhr63

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Randomized phase-II trial evaluating induction therapy with idarubicin and etoposide plus sequential or concurrent azacitidine and maintenance therapy with azacitidine (2019) Schlenk RF, Weber D, Herr W, Wulf G, Salih HR, Derigs HG, Kuendgen A, et al. Journal article GENETIC EVIDENCE OF EOSINOPHIL NUMBER UNDERPINNING PR3-AAV AND PLAUSIBLE HOST GENETIC PREDISPOSITION TO MICROBIAL DRIVERS OF DISEASE (2019) Wong L, Mescia F, Alberici F, Ball MJ, Baslund B, Brenchley P, Bruchfeld A, et al. Conference contribution Osteoimmunology-IMMUNOBONE : Regulation of bone by inflammation (2018) Rauner M, Buttgereit F, Distler J, Garbe AI, Herrmann M, Hofbauer L, Hoffmann M, et al. Journal article 47 patients with FLNA associated periventricular nodular heterotopia (2015) Lange M, Kasper B, Bohring A, Rutsch F, Kluger G, Hoffjan S, Spranger S, et al. Journal article Relations of vitamin D status, gender and type 2 diabetes in middle-aged Caucasians (2015) Stadlmayr A, Aigner E, Huber-Schoenauer U, Niederseer D, Zwerina J, Husar-Memmer E, Hohla F, et al. Journal article Gender- and site-specific differences of colorectal neoplasia relate to vitamin D (2014) Aigner E, Stadlmayr A, Huber-Schoenauer U, Zwerina J, Husar-Memmer E, Niederseer D, Trauner M, et al. Journal article Influence of antiTNF-alpha antibody treatment on fracture healing under chronic inflammation (2014) Timmen M, Hidding H, Wieskoetter B, Baum W, Pap T, Raschke MJ, Schett G, et al. Journal article Premature Osteoarthritis as Presenting Sign of Type II Collagenopathy: A Case Report and Literature Review (2013) Husar-Memmer E, Ekici AB, Al Kaissi A, Sticht H, Manger B, Schett G, Zwerina J Journal article Clinical and genetic characterization of SPG11: Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia with thin corpus callosum (2006) Winner B, Winkler J, Uyanik G, Cirak S, Hehr U Journal article, other