Eötvös Loránd University / Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE)

University / College

Location: Budapest, Hungary (HU) HU

ISNI: 0000000122946276

ROR: https://ror.org/01jsq2704

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Spin-controlled generation of indistinguishable and distinguishable photons from silicon vacancy centres in silicon carbide (2020) Morioka N, Babin C, Nagy R, Gediz I, Hesselmeier E, Liu D, Joliffe M, et al. Journal article Changes in calcareous nannoplankton assemblages around the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition in the Hungarian Palaeogene Basin (Central Paratethys) (2020) Nyerges A, Kocsis Á, Palfy J Journal article Spectrally Stable Defect Qubits with no Inversion Symmetry for Robust Spin-To-Photon Interface (2019) Udvarhelyi P, Nagy R, Kaiser F, Lee SY, Wrachtrup J, Gali A Journal article Instability of dislocation fluxes in a single slip: Deterministic and stochastic models of dislocation patterning (2018) Wu R, Tuzes D, Ispanovity PD, Groma I, Hochrainer T, Zaiser M Journal article, Original article A triász és a jura időszak határán lezajlott globális krízis és annak nyomai magyarországi rétegsorokban (2018) Haas J, Győri O, Kocsis Á, Lantos Z, Palfy J Journal article, Review article The Forest and the Trees: Examining the Factor Structure of the Self-Compassion Scale and the Association of Its Positive and Negative Components with Psychological Functioning (2018) Neff KD, Long P, Knox MC, Davidson O, Kuchar A, Costigan A, Williamson Z, et al. Journal article, Original article Disorder is good for you: the influence of local disorder on strain localization and ductility of strain softening materials (2017) Tuzes D, Ispanovity PD, Zaiser M Journal article Role of weakest links and system-size scaling in multiscale modeling of stochastic plasticity (2017) Ispanovity PD, Tuezes D, Szabo P, Zaiser M, Groma I Journal article, Original article Demise of the last two spire-bearing brachiopod orders (Spiriferinida and Athyridida) at the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) extinction event (2016) Vörös A, Kocsis Á, Palfy J Journal article, Original article Radiolarian biodiversity dynamics through the Triassic and Jurassic: implications for proximate causes of the end-Triassic mass extinction (2014) Kocsis Á, Kießling W, Palfy J Journal article
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