Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center / Ichilov Hospital


Location: Tel Aviv, Israel (IL) IL

ISNI: 0000000105186922


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Mobilise-D insights to estimate real-world walking speed in multiple conditions with a wearable device (2024) Kirk C, Küderle A, Micó-Amigo ME, Bonci T, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Ullrich M, Soltani A, et al. Journal article Assessing real-world gait with digital technology? Validation, insights and recommendations from the Mobilise-D consortium (2023) Micó-Amigo ME, Bonci T, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Ullrich M, Kirk C, Soltani A, Küderle A, et al. Journal article Mobility recorded by wearable devices and gold standards: the Mobilise-D procedure for data standardization (2023) Palmerini L, Reggi L, Bonci T, Del Din S, Micó-Amigo ME, Salis F, Bertuletti S, et al. Journal article Laboratory and free-living gait performance in adults with COPD and healthy controls (2023) Buekers J, Megaritis D, Koch S, Alcock L, Ammour N, Becker C, Bertuletti S, et al. Journal article A multi-sensor wearable system for the assessment of diseased gait in real-world conditions (2023) Salis F, Bertuletti S, Bonci T, Caruso M, Scott K, Alcock L, Buckley E, et al. Journal article Ecological validity of a deep learning algorithm to detect gait events from real-life walking bouts in mobility-limiting diseases (2023) Romijnders R, Salis F, Hansen C, Küderle A, Paraschiv-Ionescu A, Cereatti A, Alcock L, et al. Journal article Design and validation of a multi-task, multi-context protocol for real-world gait simulation (2022) Scott K, Bonci T, Salis F, Alcock L, Buckley E, Gazit E, Hansen C, et al. Journal article Connecting real-world digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement–the Mobilise-D study protocol (2022) Mikolaizak AS, Rochester L, Maetzler W, Sharrack B, Demeyer H, Mazzà C, Caulfield B, et al. Journal article Discovering a new part of the phenotypic spectrum of Coffin-Siris syndrome in a fetal cohort (2022) van der Sluijs PJ, Joosten M, Alby C, Attié-Bitach T, Gilmore K, Dubourg C, Fradin M, et al. Journal article Technical validation of real-world monitoring of gait: a multicentric observational study (2021) Mazza C, Alcock L, Aminian K, Becker C, Bertuletti S, Bonci T, Brown P, et al. Journal article