Technische Universität Berlin

University / College

Location: Berlin, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000122928254


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Unraveling carrier distribution in far-UVC LEDs by temperature-dependent electroluminescence measurements (2024) Hopfner J, Kuhl F, Schilling M, Muhin A, Guttmann M, Hofmann G, Römer F, et al. Journal article EDITORIAL: Chemical Compound Space Exploration by Multiscale High-Throughput Screening and Machine Learning (2024) Gryn’ova G, Bereau T, Müller C, Friederich P, Wade RC, Nunes-Alves A, Soares TA, Merz K Journal article Arsenic-poor fluids promote strong As partitioning into pyrite (2024) Kutzschbach M, Dunkel F, Kusebauch C, Schiperski F, Börner F, Drake H, Klimm K, Keith M Journal article Pyrite trace element proxies for magmatic volatile influx in submarine subduction-related hydrothermal systems (2024) Falkenberg J, Keith M, Haase K, Klemd R, Kutzschbach M, Grosche A, Scicchitano MR, et al. Journal article Optical Gain in AlGaN Quantum Wells: Impact of Higher Energy States (2024) Kölle S, Römer F, Cardinali G, Schulz A, Susilo N, Hauer Vidal D, Wernicke T, et al. Journal article, Original article Energy-Aware Resource Allocation and Trajectory Design for UAV-Enabled ISAC (2024) Khalili A, Rezaei A, Xu D, Schober R Conference contribution New Bounds for the Integer Carathéodory Rank (2024) Aliev I, Henk M, Hogan M, Kuhlmann S, Oertel T Journal article Exploit High-Dimensional RIS Information to Localization: What Is the Impact of Faulty Element? (2024) Wu T, Pan C, Zhi K, Ren H, Elkashlan M, Wang CX, Schober R, You XH Journal article Treatment of Esophageal Atresia in Germany: Analysis of National Hospital Discharge Data From 2016 to 2022 (2024) Ungruh M, Hubertus J, Widenmann A, Kaufmann J, Reutter HM, Busse R, Wilms M, Nimptsch U Journal article Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelten – eine systemische Transformation? (2024) Pfeiffer S, Nicklich M, Henke M, Heßler M, Krzywdzinski M, Schulz-Schaeffer I Book chapter / Article in edited volumes