Chapel Allerton Hospital


Location: Leeds, United Kingdom (GB) GB

ISNI: 0000000404261312


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Extended documentation for hand dermatitis patients: Pilot study on irritant exposures (2018) Uter W, Bauer A, Bensefa-Colas L, Brans R, Crepy MN, Gimenez-Arnau A, Filon FL, et al. Journal article Contact allergy to preservatives: ESSCA* results with the baseline series, 2009-2012 (2017) Gimenez-Arnau AM, Deza G, Bauer A, Johnston GA, Mahler V, Schuttelaar ML, Sanchez-Perez J, et al. Journal article Occupational skin diseases: actual state analysis of patient management pathways in 28 European countries (2017) Mahler V, Aalto-Korte K, Alfonso JH, Bakker JG, Bauer A, Bensefa-Colas L, Boman A, et al. Journal article Patch testing with rubber series in Europe: a critical review and recommendation (2017) Warburton KL, Uter W, Geier J, Spiewak R, Mahler V, Crepy MN, Schuttelaar ML, et al. Journal article Imaging of Muscle Injuries in Sports Medicine: Sports Imaging Series (2017) Guermazi A, Roemer F, Robinson P, Tol JL, Regatte RR, Crema MD Journal article Contact allergy to ingredients of topical medications: results of the European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA), 2009-2012 (2016) Uter W, Spiewak R, Cooper SM, Wilkinson M, Sanchez Perez J, Schnuch A, Schuttelaar ML Journal article Tapering biologic and conventional DMARD therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: current evidence and future directions (2016) Schett G, Emery P, Tanaka Y, Burmester G, Pisetsky DS, Naredo E, Fautrel B, Van Vollenhoven R Journal article ESSCA results with nickel, cobalt and chromium, 2009-2012 (2016) Uter W, Filon FL, Rui F, Balato A, Wilkinson M, Ecisz BK, Chomiczewska-Skora D, et al. Journal article Patch test results with rubber series in the European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA), 2013/14 (2016) Uter W, Warburton K, Weisshaar E, Simon D, Ballmer-Weber B, Mahler V, Fuchs T, et al. Journal article Refined histopathological predictors of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status: a large-scale analysis of breast cancer characteristics from the BCAC, CIMBA, and ENIGMA consortia (2014) Spurdle AB, Couch FJ, Parsons MT, Mcguffog L, Barrowdale D, Bolla MK, Wang Q, et al. Journal article