Abbott Molecular
Industry / private company
Des Plaines, IL,
United States (USA) (US)
ISNI: 0000000403667505
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Selective L4 Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation Evokes Pain Relief and Changes of Inflammatory Markers: Part I Profiling of Saliva and Serum Molecular Patterns. (2019)
Gravius N, Chaudhry SR, Muhammad S, Bostroem A, Gravius S, Randau T, Scheele D, et al.
Journal article
A Review of Spinal and Peripheral Neuromodulation and Neuroinflammation: Lessons Learned Thus Far and Future Prospects of Biotype Development. (2019)
Chakravarthy KV, Xing F, Bruno K, Kent AR, Raza A, Hurlemann R, Kinfe TM
Journal article, Review article
Burst Spinal Cord Stimulation: Review of Preclinical Studies and Comments on Clinical Outcomes. (2018)
Chakravarthy K, Kent AR, Raza A, Xing F, Kinfe TM
Journal article
Multi-colour FISH in oesophageal adenocarcinoma-predictors of prognosis independent of stage and grade (2014)
Geppert CI, Ruemmele P, Sarbia M, Langer R, Feith M, Morrison L, Pestova E, et al.
Journal article