Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes (UKS)


Location: Homburg, Germany (DE) DE


ROR: https://ror.org/00nvxt968

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach to sellar lesions: A detailed account of our mononostril technique (2013) Linsler S, Gaab MR, Oertel J Journal article Automated intracranial pressure-controlled cerebrospinal fluid external drainage with LiquoGuard® (2013) Linsler S, Schmidtke M, Steudel WI, Kiefer M, Oertel J Journal article A seven-marker signature and clinical outcome in malignant melanoma: A large-scale tissue-microarray study with two independent patient cohorts (2012) Meyer S, Fuchs TJ, Bosserhoff AK, Hofstaedter F, Pauer A, Roth V, Buhmann JM, et al. Journal article Morphometric analysis of postoperative corneal neovascularization after high-risk keratoplasty: herpetic versus non-herpetic disease (2012) Altenburger A, Bachmann B, Seitz B, Cursiefen C Journal article Red blood cell transfusion in neurosurgery (2012) Linsler S, Ketter R, Eichler H, Schwerdtfeger K, Steudel WI, Oertel J Journal article Kohlenmonoxidvergiftungen durch Grillen in Innenräumen - Mitteilungen an die deutschsprachigen Giftinformationszentren und das Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung Berlin (2011) Deters M, Koch I, Ganzert M, Hermanns-Clausen M, Stürer A, Hahn A, Meyer H, et al. Journal article Clonal cytogenetic progression within intratumorally heterogeneous meningiomas predicts tumor recurrence (2011) Urbschat S, Rahnenfuḧrer J, Henn W, Feiden W, Wemmert S, Linsler S, Zang KD, et al. Journal article Erythropoietin prevents diabetes-induced podocyte damage (2009) Schiffer M, Park JK, Tossidou I, Bartels J, Shushakova N, Menne J, Fliser D Journal article