Aarhus University

University / College

Location: Aarhus, Denmark (DK) DK

ISNI: 0000000119562722

ROR: https://ror.org/01aj84f44

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Relaxation dynamics in excited helium nanodroplets probed with high resolution, time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (2022) Laforge AC, Asmussen JD, Bastian B, Bonanomi M, Callegari C, De S, Di Fraia M, et al. Journal article Interlaboratory Comparison Investigations (ICIs) and External Quality Assurance Schemes (EQUASs) for human biomonitoring of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in serum as part of the quality assurance programme under HBM4EU (2022) Nübler S, Esteban López M, Castaño A, Mol HG, Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K, Schäfer M, Müller J, et al. Journal article Clinical autonomic nervous system laboratories in Europe A joint survey of the European Academy of Neurology and the European Federation of Autonomic Societies (2022) Habek M, Leys F, Skoric MK, Carneiro DR, Calandra-Buonaura G, Camaradou J, Chiaro G, et al. Journal article Juvenile emperor penguin range calls for extended conservation measures in the Southern Ocean (2022) Houstin A, Paranhos Zitterbart D, Heerah K, Eisen O, Planas-Bielsa V, Fabry B, Le Bohec C Journal article Systematic cross-cultural management education: a quasi-experimental analysis of guided experiential learning during intercultural simulations (2022) Heidemann C, Sondergaard M Journal article European interlaboratory comparison investigations (ICI) and external quality assurance schemes (EQUAS) for the analysis of bisphenol A, S and F in human urine: Results from the HBM4EU project (2022) Vaccher V, Lopez ME, Castaño A, Mol H, Haji-Abbas-Zarrabi K, Bury D, Koch HM, et al. Journal article Current research and unmet needs in allergy and immunology in Germany: report presented by the DGfI and DGAKI task force Allergy & Immunology (2022) Albrecht M, Schaub B, Gilles S, Koehl J, Altrichter S, Vöhringer D, Spillner E, et al. Journal article, Editorial Being-with other predators: Cultural negotiations of Neanderthal-carnivore relationships in Late Pleistocene Europe (2022) Hussain ST, Weiß M, Kellberg Nielsen T Journal article An Analysis of the Use Pattern of Hyperthermia (HT) in Combination with Radio(chemo)therapy or Chemotherapy in European HT Centers (2022) Ademaj A, Veltsista DP, Marder D, Haelg RA, Puric E, Brunner TB, Crezee H, et al. Conference contribution Adsorption and Reaction of NH3on Rutile TiO2(110): An STM Study (2022) Bühlmeyer H, Adamsen KC, Xu T, Lammich L, Libuda J, Lauritsen JV, Wendt S Journal article