Bayerische Landesärztekammer
Germany (DE)
ISNI: 000000107289378
Compatibility of Work and Family Life of Employees in the Healthcare Sector: An Issue in Health Services Research (2018)
Lukasczik M, Ahnert J, Stroebl V, Vogel H, Donath C, Enger I, Grässel E, et al.
Journal article
Memorandum 'Development of health services research in Bavaria from the perspective of the Bavarian state working group 'health services research (LAGeV)': Status quo - Potential - strategies (2015)
Hollederer A, Braun GE, Dahlhoff G, Drexler H, Engel J, Grässel E, Häusler E, et al.
Journal article, Original article