Audi AG

Industry / private company

Location: Ingolstadt, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000102297838


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Enhancing Collaborative Road Scene Reconstruction with Unsupervised Domain Alignment (2021) Venator M, Aklanoglu S, Bruns E, Maier A Journal article Frenet Coordinate Based Driving Maneuver Prediction at Roundabouts Using LSTM Networks (2020) Vogl C, Sackmann M, Kürzinger L, Hofmann U Conference contribution Evaluation of Virtual Traffic Situations for Testing Automated Driving Functions based on Multidimensional Criticality Analysis (2020) Huber B, Herzog S, Sippl C, German R, Djanatliev A Conference contribution Prediction Error Reduction of Neural Networks for Car-Following Using Multi-Step Training (2020) Sackmann M, Bey H, Hofmann U, Thielecke J Conference contribution Weather classification using an automotive LIDAR sensor based on detections on asphalt and atmosphere (2020) Rivero JRV, Gerbich T, Teiluf V, Buschardt B, Chen J Journal article Dual-Mode Training with Style Control and Quality Enhancement for Road Image Domain Adaptation (2020) Venator M, Shen F, Aklanoglu S, Bruns E, Diepold K, Maier A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A validated failure behavior model for driver behavior models for generating skid-scenarios on motorways (2020) Huber B, Schmidl P, Sippl C, Djanatliev A Conference contribution Determining Potential Obstacles in Unobservable Areas Based on Current and Past Perception (2020) Baumgärtner J, Bey H, Faßbender D, Thielecke J Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Impact of the Communication Direction on the Reliability of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications (2020) Niebisch M, Deinlein T, Pfaller D, German R, Djanatliev A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Investigation of the run-in and corrosion behavior of a PEO-coated aluminum brake disc (2020) Gulden F, Reinhold B, Gramstat S, Stich A, Tetzlaff U, Höppel HW Conference contribution