Université de Lausanne (UNIL)

University / College

Location: Lausanne, Switzerland (CH) CH

ISNI: 0000000121654204

ROR: https://ror.org/019whta54

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Validity, reliability, and readability of single-item and short physical activity questionnaires for use in surveillance: A systematic review (2024) Tcymbal A, Messing S, Mait R, Galindo Perez R, Akter T, Rakovac I, Gelius P, Abu-Omar K Journal article Implementation success of a physical activity referral scheme (PARS) in the German healthcare system (2024) Klamroth S, Lorenz E, Naber I, Mino E, Weißenfels A, Geidl W, Gelius P, et al. Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Implementierungserfolg einer Bewegungsversorgungskette im deutschen Gesundheitssystem: Eine qualitative Analyse aus der Perspektive von Ärzt*innen und Bewegungstherapeut*innen (2024) Klamroth S, Lorenz E, Naber I, Mino E, Weißenfels A, Geidl W, Gelius P, et al. Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Implementation of a physical activity referral scheme in the German healthcare system: A qualitative analysis of implementation success (2024) Klamroth S, Lorenz E, Naber I, Mino E, Weißenfels A, Geidl W, Gelius P, et al. Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Co-producing a physical activity referral scheme for the German healthcare system: A qualitative analysis of stakeholder experiences (2024) Klamroth S, Mino E, Naber I, Weißenfels A, Geidl W, Gelius P, Abu-Omar K, Pfeifer K Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Non-apoptotic FAS signaling controls mTOR activation and extrafollicular maturation in human B cells (2024) Staniek J, Kalina T, Andrieux G, Boerries M, Janowska I, Fuentes M, Díez P, et al. Journal article Diagnostic features in paediatric MDS-EB with UBTF-internal tandem duplication: defining a unique subgroup (2024) Schwarz-Furlan S, Gengler C, Yoshimi-Noellke A, Piontek G, Schneider-Kimoto Y, Schmugge M, Thiede C, et al. Journal article Kosten der Bürokratie – Reformen dringend geboten (2024) Falck O, Mo Guo Y, Pfaffl C, Schmidt KM, Knill C, Hinterleitner M, Steinebach Y, et al. Journal article An Experimental Assessment of Inconsistencies in Memory Forensics (2023) Ottmann J, Breitinger F, Freiling F Journal article, Original article Variations in preservation of exceptional fossils within concretions (2023) Saleh F, Clements T, Perrier V, Daley AC, Antcliffe JB Journal article