University of Pittsburgh

University / College

Location: Pittsburgh, PA, United States (USA) (US) US

ISNI: 0000000419369000


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Ambulatory Assessment in Mental Health Research: Expert Consensus on Current Practices and Future Directions (2025) Löchner J, Santangelo PS, Ansell E, Bolger N, Ebner-Priemer U, Fried E, Gawrilow C, et al. Unpublished / Preprint Survival with Trastuzumab Emtansine in Residual HER2-Positive Breast Cancer (2025) Geyer CE, Untch M, Huang CS, Mano MS, Mamounas EP, Wolmark N, Rastogi P, et al. Journal article Immunological and molecular features of the tumor microenvironment of long-term survivors of ovarian cancer (2024) Nelson BH, Hamilton P, Phung MT, Milne K, Harris B, Thornton S, Stevens D, et al. Journal article Genome-wide association analyses of ovarian cancer patients undergoing primary debulking surgery identify candidate genes for residual disease (2024) Ramachandran D, Tyrer JP, Kommoss S, DeFazio A, Riggan MJ, Webb PM, Fasching P, et al. Journal article Common variants increase risk for congenital diaphragmatic hernia within the context of de novo variants (2024) Qiao L, Welch CL, Hernan R, Wynn J, Krishnan US, Zalieckas JM, Buchmiller T, et al. Journal article Concurrent RB1 Loss and BRCA Deficiency Predicts Enhanced Immunologic Response and Long-term Survival in Tubo-ovarian High-grade Serous Carcinoma (2024) Saner FA, Takahashi K, Budden T, Pandey A, Ariyaratne D, Zwimpfer TA, Meagher NS, et al. Journal article Characteristics of emerging new autoimmune diseases after COVID-19 vaccination: A sub-study by the COVAD group (2024) Shumnalieva R, Ravichandran N, Hannah J, Javaid M, Darooka N, Roy D, Gonzalez DE, et al. Journal article Listening to patients, for the patients: The COVAD Study—Vision, organizational structure, and challenges (2024) Joshi M, Darooka N, Saha S, Dyball S, Sen P, Yaadav P, Javaid M, et al. Journal article Endovascular therapy of isolated posterior cerebral artery occlusion stroke with and without general anesthesia (2024) Berberich A, Herweh C, Qureshi MM, Strambo D, Michel P, Räty S, Abdalkader M, et al. Journal article Anti-angiogenic therapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma - current limitations and future directions (2024) Nieberle F, Spoerl S, Głuszko A, Taxis J, Spanier G, Erber R, Spörl S, et al. Journal article, Review article