Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover (TiHo)

University / College

Location: Hannover, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000101266191


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Randomized controlled trial of pregabalin for analgesia after surgical treatment of intervertebral disc disease in dogs (2020) Schmierer PA, Tuensmeyer J, Tipold A, Hartnack-Wilhelm S, Lesczuk P, Kaestner SBR Journal article A sensitive scoring system for the longitudinal clinical evaluation and prediction of lethal disease outcomes in newborn mice (2019) Fehlhaber B, Heinemann AS, Ruebensam K, Willers M, Voellger L, Pfeifer S, Von Koeckritz-Blickwede M, Viemann D Journal article Editorial: Lectins and Their Ligands in Shaping Immune Responses (2019) Lepenies B, Lang R Journal article Constitutive TNF-α signaling in neonates is essential for the development of tissue-resident leukocyte profiles at barrier sites (2019) Bickes MS, Pirr S, Heinemann AS, Fehlhaber B, Halle S, Voellger L, Willers M, et al. Journal article Suitability of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy for transcriptome sequencing of the canine prostate (2019) Thiemeyer H, Taher L, Schille JT, Harder L, Hungerbuehler SO, Mischke R, Hewicker-Trautwein M, et al. Journal article Glycosylation of HIV Env Impacts IgG Subtype Responses to Vaccination (2019) Hess R, Bonsmann MSG, Lapuente D, Maaske A, Kirschning C, Ruland J, Lepenies B, et al. Journal article To NET or not to NET: current opinions and state of the science regarding the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (2019) Boeltz S, Amini P, Anders HJ, Andrade F, Bilyy R, Chatfield S, Cichon I, et al. Journal article, Review article Combined inhibition of BTK and PI3K acts synergistically in a canine B-cell lymphoma in vitro model (2019) Kong W, Sender S, Sekora A, Ma Y, Ruetgen B, Nolte I, Taher L, et al. Conference contribution ADAM17 is required for EGF-R-induced intestinal tumors via IL-6 trans-signaling (2018) Schmidt S, Schumacher N, Schwarz J, Tangermann S, Kenner L, Schlederer M, Sibilia M, et al. Journal article Chronic mycobacterial infection induces an immune suppressive microenvironment altering dendritic cell function (2018) Merga KA, Schleicher U, Bogdan C, Weiss S, Goethe R Conference contribution
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