University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

University / College

Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States (USA) (US) US

ISNI: 0000000096326718


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Estrogen receptor beta rs1271572 polymorphism and invasive ovarian carcinoma risk: Pooled analysis within the ovarian cancer association consortium (2011) Lurie G, Wilkens LR, Thompson PJ, Shvetsov YB, Matsuno RK, Carney ME, Palmieri RT, et al. Journal article Reconstruction of short time PET scans using Bregman iterations (2011) Müller J, Brune C, Sawatzky A, Kösters T, Schäfers KP, Burger M Conference contribution Synthesis and characterization of cerium and yttrium alkoxide complexes supported by ferrocene-based chelating ligands (2011) Broderick EM, Thuy-Boun PS, Guo N, Vogel C, Sutter J, Miller JT, Meyer K, Diaconescu PL Journal article, Original article Excited state kinetics in crystalline solids: Self-quenching in nanocrystals of 4,4′-disubstituted benzophenone triplets occurs by a reductive quenching mechanism (2011) Kuzmanich G, Simoncelli S, Gard MN, Spänig F, Henderson BL, Guldi DM, Garcia-Garibay MA Journal article, Original article Rational design of ?-sheet ligands against A?42-induced toxicity (2011) Hochdoerffer K, Maerz-Berberich J, Nage-Steger L, Epple M, Meyer-Zaika W, Horn A, Sticht H, et al. Journal article Oxyallyl Exposed: An Open-Shell Singlet with Picosecond Lifetimes in Solution but Persistent in Crystals of a Cyclobutanedione Precursor (2011) Kuzmanich G, Spänig F, Tsai CK, Um JM, Hoekstra RM, Houk KN, Guldi DM, Garcia-Garibay MA Journal article, Original article An integrated micro- and macroarchitectural analysis of the Drosophila brain by computer-assisted serial section electron microscopy (2010) Cardona A, Saalfeld S, Preibisch S, Schmid B, Cheng A, Pulokas J, Tomancak P, Hartenstein V Journal article Inter-domain routing and data replication in virtual coordinate based networks (2010) Dressler F, Awad A, Gerla M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Bregmanized nonlocal regularization for deconvolution and sparsereconstruction (2010) Zhang X, Burger M, Bresson X, Osher S Journal article A unified primal-dual algorithm framework based on Bregman iteration (2010) Zhang X, Burger M, Osher S Journal article