Professur für Molekulare Gastroenterologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Systemic desensitization through TRPA1 channels by capsazepine and mustard oil - a novel strategy against inflammation and pain (2016) Kistner K, Siklosi N, Babes A, Khalil M, Selescu T, Zimmermann K, Wirtz S, et al. Journal article Programming of Intestinal Epithelial Differentiation by IL-33 Derived from Pericryptal Fibroblasts in Response to Systemic Infection (2016) Mahapatro M, Försch S, Hefele M, He GW, Giner-Ventura E, Mchedlidze T, Kindermann M, et al. Journal article Immune deficiency vs. immune excess in inflammatory bowel diseases-STAT3 as a rheo-STAT of intestinal homeostasis (2016) Leppkes M, Neurath M, Herrmann M, Becker C Journal article Differential effects of ?4?7 and GPR15 on homing of effector and regulatory T cells from patients with UC to the inflamed gut in vivo (2016) Fischer A, Zundler S, Atreya R, Rath T, Voskens C, Hirschmann S, Lopez Posadas R, et al. Journal article Survivin is a guardian of the intestinal stem cell niche and its expression is regulated by TGF-? (2016) Martini E, Schneider E, Neufert C, Neurath M, Becker C Journal article Ménage-à-Trois: The Ratio of Bicarbonate to CO2 and the pH Regulate the Capacity of Neutrophils to Form NETs (2016) Maueröder C, Mahajan A, Paulus S, Goesswein S, Hahn J, Kienhoefer D, Biermann MH, et al. Journal article Caspase-8 controls the gut response to microbial challenges by Tnf-α-dependent and independent pathways. (2015) Günther C, Buchen B, He G, Hornef MW, Torow N, Neumann H, Martini E, et al. Journal article Caspase-8 controls the gut response to microbial challenges by Tnf-α-dependent and independent pathways (2015) Günther C, Buchen B, Hornef M, Torow N, Neumann H, Martini E, Basic M, et al. Journal article The Intestinal Microbiota in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2015) Becker C, Neurath M, Wirtz S Journal article IL-9 and its receptor are predominantly involved in the pathogenesis of UC (2015) Nalleweg N, Chiriac MT, Podstawa E, Lehmann C, Rau T, Atreya R, Krauss E, et al. Journal article