Professur für Palliativmedizin


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Die Entstehung einer professionalisierten Fachkultur in der Palliativmedizin - sprachwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (2018) Peters J, Heckel M, Ostgathe C, Habermann M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Kosten von multiresistenten Erregern in der stationären Palliativversorgung (2018) Adelhardt T, Hessemer S, Heckel M, Herbst FA, Stiel S, Ostgathe C, Schöffski O Journal article, Original article Analysing the impact of a case management model on the specialised palliative care multi-professional team (2018) Strupp J, Dose C, Kuhn U, Galushko M, Duesterdiek A, Ernstmann N, Pfaff H, et al. Journal article Perspectives on multidrug-resistant organisms at the end of life - A focus group study of staff members and institutional stakeholders (2018) Herbst FA, Heckel M, Tiedtke J, Adelhardt T, Sturm A, Stiel S, Ostgathe C Journal article, Original article Neue Wege in der Palliativmedizin – Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung einer berührungslosen, nicht-belastenden Messung von Vitalparametern (2018) Malessa A, Steigleder T, Shi K, Will C, Michler F, Kölpin A, Ostgathe C Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A Contactless System for Continuous Vital Sign Monitoring in Palliative and Intensive Care (2018) Shi K, Will C, Steigleder T, Michler F, Weigel R, Ostgathe C, Kölpin A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Local Pulse Wave Detection using Continuous Wave Radar Systems (2017) Will C, Shi K, Schellenberger S, Steigleder T, Michler F, Weigel R, Ostgathe C, Kölpin A Journal article, Original article SOP – Umgang mit multiresistenten Erregern auf der Palliativstation (2017) Ostgathe C, Stachura P, Hofmann S, van Oorschot B, Oechsle K, Bogdan C, Kunz B, et al. Journal article Interference Between Family Caregivers' Mental Disorders and Their Estimates of Quality of Dying and Death (QODD) of Their Loved Ones (2017) Heckel M, Bussmann S, Weber M, Ostgathe C, Stiel S Journal article Costs of Medial Care of MRSA Patients at the End-of-Life in a Geriatric Ward Die Kosten von MRSA in der stationären geriatrischen Versorgung von Patienten am Lebensende (End-of-Life Care) (2017) Adelhardt T, Hessemer S, Docter K, Sieber C, Ostgathe C, Schöffski O Journal article, Original article