Department of Thoracic Surgery


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Impact of Selective Quality of Life Analysis in Patients with Local Hyperhidrosis after Sympathicus Clipping [Bedeutung der selektiven Lebensqualitätsanalyse nach Sympathikus-Clipping bei Patienten mit lokaler Hyperhidrose] (2019) Schreiner W, Mykoliuk I, Dudek W, Sirbu H Journal article Videothoracoscopic Sympathetic Clipping in a Patient With Azygos Lobe. Intraoperative Management to Avoid Potential Complications (2018) Schreiner W, Mykoliuk I, Dudek W, Sirbu H Journal article STAT1 deficiency supports PD-1/PD-L1 signaling resulting in dysfunctional TNFα mediated immune responses in a model of NSCLC (2018) Friedrich J, Heim L, Trufa D, Sirbu H, Rieker R, Neurath-Finotto S, Chiriac MT Journal article Pathologic complete response after induction therapy and surgery is an independed long-term survival prognostic factor in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (2018) Schreiner W, Dudek W, Lettmaier S, Rieker R, Fietkau R, Sirbu H Conference contribution Pathologic complete response after induction therapy-the role of surgery in stage IIIA/B locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (2018) Schreiner W, Gavrychenkova S, Dudek W, Rieker R, Lettmaier S, Fietkau R, Sirbu H Journal article Long-Term Survival after Salvage Surgery for Local Failure after Definitive Chemoradiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (2018) Schreiner W, Dudek W, Lettmaier S, Fietkau R, Sirbu H Journal article Lung Resection after Definitive and Neo-Adjuvant Chemoradiation for Stage IIIA/B Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: a Retrospective Analysis (2018) Schreiner W, Gavrychenkova S, Dudek W, Lettmaier S, Rieker R, Fietkau R, Sirbu H Journal article Organ injuries due to thoracic trauma : Diagnostics, clinical importance and treatment principles (2018) Schreiner W, Castellanos I, Dudek W, Sirbu H Journal article Sternal resection and reconstruction for secondary malignancies (2018) Dudek W, Schreiner W, Horch RE, Sirbu H Journal article The role of Foxp3 and Tbet co-expressing Treg cells in lung carcinoma (2018) Kachler K, Holzinger C, Trufa D, Sirbu H, Finotto S Journal article
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