Lehrstuhl für Biotechnik (Proteinstruktur und -design)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Nuclear Egress Complexes of HCMV and Other Herpesviruses: Solving the Puzzle of Sequence Coevolution, Conserved Structures and Subfamily-Spanning Binding Properties (2020) Marschall M, Häge S, Conrad M, Alkhashrom S, Kicuntod J, Schweininger J, Kriegel M, et al. Journal article, Review article The CD83 Molecule – An Important Immune Checkpoint (2020) Grosche L, Knippertz I, König C, Royzman D, Wild A, Zinser E, Sticht H, et al. Journal article, Review article The complex formed between a synthetic RNA aptamer and the transcription repressor TetR is a structural and functional twin of the operator DNA-TetR regulator complex (2020) Grau F, Jaeger J, Groher F, Suess B, Muller Y Journal article High-resolution crystal structures of two prototypical β- And γ-herpesviral nuclear egress complexes unravel the determinants of subfamily specificity (2020) Muller Y, Häge S, Alkhashrom S, Höllriegl T, Weigert S, Dolles S, Hof K, et al. Journal article siRNA Electroporation to Modulate Autophagy in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1-Infected Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells (2019) Düthorn A, Turan A, Drassner C, Muehl-Zurbes P, Heilingloh C, Steinkasserer A, Grosche L Journal article Manipulation of charge distribution in the arginine and glutamate clusters of the OmpG pore alters sugar specificity and ion selectivity (2019) Schmitt C, Bafna JA, Schmid B, Klingl S, Baier S, Hemmis B, Wagner R, et al. Journal article Structural and functional characterization of SiiA, an auxiliary protein from the SPI4-encoded type 1 secretion system from Salmonella enterica (2019) Kirchweger P, Weiler S, Egerer-Sieber C, Blasl AT, Hoffmann S, Schmidt C, Sander N, et al. Journal article NewBG: A surrogate corticosteroid-binding globulin with an unprecedentedly high ligand release efficacy (2019) Gardill B, Schmidt K, Muller Y Journal article PRISEs (progesterone 5β-reductase and/or iridoid synthase-like 1,4-enone reductases): Catalytic and substrate promiscuity allows for realization of multiple pathways in plant metabolism. (2018) Schmidt K, Petersen J, Munkert J, Egerer-Sieber C, Hornig M, Muller Y, Kreis W Journal article Design of an allosterically modulated doxycycline and doxorubicin drug-binding protein. (2018) Schmidt K, Gardill B, Kern A, Kirchweger P, Börsch M, Muller Y Journal article, Original article