Professur für Immunologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The Nuclear Receptor Nr4a1 Acts as a Microglia Rheostat and Serves as a Therapeutic Target in Autoimmune-Driven Central Nervous System Inflammation (2017) Rothe T, Ipseiz N, Faas M, Lang S, Perez-Branguli F, Metzger D, Ichinose H, et al. Journal article A new staining protocol for detection of murine antibody-secreting plasma cell subsets by flow cytometry (2017) Pracht K, Meinzinger J, Daum P, Schulz S, Reimer D, Hauke M, Roth E, et al. Journal article Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (2017) Cossarizza A, Chang HD, Radbruch A, Akdis M, Andrae I, Annunziato F, Bacher P, et al. Journal article The microprocessor component, DGCR8, is essential for early B-cell development in mice (2016) Brandl A, Daum P, Brenner S, Schulz S, Yap DYH, Boesl MR, Wittmann J, et al. Journal article Reduced Fluorescence versus Forward Scatter Time-of-Flight and Increased Peak versus Integral Fluorescence Ratios Indicate Receptor Clustering in Flow Cytometry (2015) Fuernrohr BG, Stein M, Rhodes B, Chana PS, Schett G, Vyse TJ, Herrmann M, Mielenz D Journal article miR-148a promotes plasma cell differentiation and targets the germinal center transcription factors Mitf and Bach2 (2015) Porstner M, Winkelmann R, Daum P, Schmid J, Pracht K, Corte-Real J, Schreiber S, et al. Journal article Accuracy of prospectively ECG-triggered very low-dose coronary dual-source CT angiography using iterative reconstruction for the detection of coronary artery stenosis: comparison with invasive catheterization (2014) Layritz C, Schmid J, Achenbach S, Ulzheimer S, Wüst W, May M, Ropers D, et al. Journal article Swiprosin-1/EFhd2 limits germinal center responses and humoral type 2 immunity (2014) Brachs S, Turqueti-Neves A, Stein M, Reimer D, Brachvogel B, Boesl M, Winkler T, et al. Journal article KLF2-a negative regulator of pre-B cell clonal expansion and B cell activation (2014) Winkelmann R, Sandrock L, Kirberg J, Jäck HM, Schuh W Journal article Reproducibility of aortic annulus measurements by computed tomography (2014) Schuhbaeck A, Achenbach S, Pflederer T, Schmid J, Nef H, Rixe J, Hecker F, et al. Journal article