Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Finanzierung und Banken


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Enhancing the Profitability of Earnings Momentum Strategies: The Role of Price Momentum, Information Diffusion and Earnings Uncertainty (2013) Czaja MG, Kaufmann P, Scholz H Journal article The Sharpe Ratio's Market Climate Bias: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from US Equity Mutual Funds. (2012) Bunnenberg S, Scholz H, Wilkens M Journal article, Original article Survivorship Bias and Mutual Fund Performance: Relevance, Significance, and Methodical Differences (2011) Rohleder M, Scholz H, Wilkens M Journal article Interest Rate Risk Rewards in Stock Returns of Financial Corporations: Evidence from Germany (2010) Czaja MG, Scholz H, Wilkens M Journal article Maturity Transformation Strategies and Interest Rate Risk of Financial Institutions: Evidence from the German Market (2010) Scholz H, Simon S, Wilkens M Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Interest Rate Risk of German Financial Institutions: The Impact of Level, Slope, and Curvature of the Term Structure (2009) Czaja MG, Scholz H, Wilkens M Journal article The Price-setting Behavior of Banks: An Analysis of Open-end Leverage Certificates on the German Market (2009) Entrop O, Scholz H, Wilkens M Journal article Untersuchungen zur Zinssensitivität börsennotierter Finanzdienstleister: Überblick und Diskussion alternativer Zinsfaktoren (2008) Scholz H, Simon S, Wilkens M Journal article Zinssensitivitäten börsennotierter deutscher Finanzdienstleister: Eine empirische Untersuchung (2008) Scholz H, Simon S, Wilkens M Journal article, Original article Refinements to the Sharpe Ratio: Comparing Alternatives for Bear Markets (2007) Scholz H Journal article, Original article
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