Institut für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Neutral sphingomyelinase controls acute and chronic alcohol effects on brain activity (2024) Wank I, Mittmann C, Kreitz S, Chestnykh D, Mühle C, Kornhuber J, Ludwig A, et al. Journal article 7. Ringversuch Arzneimittelinformation der ADKA (2024) Strobach D, Hehr J, Klausner S, Krebs S, Langebrake C, Querbach C, Schuhmacher C Journal article GLUT1-mediated glucose import in B cells is critical for anaplerotic balance and humoral immunity (2024) Bierling T, Gumann A, Ottmann S, Schulz S, Weckwerth L, Thomas J, Geßner A, et al. Journal article Proceedings of the International Ambulatory Drug Safety Symposium: Munich, Germany, June 2023 (2024) Alexander GC, Budnitz D, Hughes C, Maas R, Mair A, McDonald EG, Meid AD, et al. Journal article, Report Erste gemeinsame Doktorandentagung Klinische Pharmazie (2024) Wien K, Harjans A, Richter G, Berger V, Herrmann S, Schüling A, Michiel S, et al. Journal article Characterization of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels in oligodendrocytes. (2024) Lyman KA, Han Y, Robinson AP, Weinberg SE, Fisher DW, Heuermann RJ, Lyman RE, et al. Journal article From the Randomized AMBORA Trial to Clinical Practice: Comparison of Medication Errors in Oral Antitumor Therapy (2024) Cuba L, Dürr P, Dörje F, Fromm M, Schlichtig K Journal article INTERPOLAR—prospective, interventional studies as part of the Medical Informatics Initiative to improve medication therapy safety in healthcare INTERPOLAR – prospektive, interventionelle Studien im Rahmen der Medizininformatik-Initiative zur Verbesserung der Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit in der Krankenversorgung (2024) Loeffler M, Maas R, Neumann D, Scherag A Journal article A multicentric consortium study demonstrates that dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 is not a dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (2023) Ragavan VN, Nair PC, Jarzebska N, Angom RS, Ruta L, Bianconi E, Grottelli S, et al. Journal article Disentangling the impact of cerebrospinal fluid formation and neuronal activity on solute clearance from the brain (2023) Segeroth M, Wachsmuth L, Gagel M, Albers F, Heß A, Faber C Journal article