Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insbesondere Technische Informationssysteme


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Enabling Adaptation in Dynamic Manufacturing Environments with Decentralized Agent-Based Systems and Local Perception (2024) Schmid SJ, Harth A Conference contribution Towards Modeling the Structure of Product Dependencies in Supply Networks to Identify Bottlenecks Among Suppliers (2024) Henselmann D, Harth A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution The SPA Ontology: Towards a Web of Things Ready for Robotic Agents (2024) Freund M, Schraudner D, Schmid SJ, Stade C, Wehr T, Harth A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A Natural Language Interface for IoT Systems Using the Web of Things Abstraction (2024) Gui Z, Freund M, Harth A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Taking Control of Your Health Data: A Solid-based Mobile App for Wearable Data Collection and RDF Visualization (2024) Wehr T, Freund M, Harth A Conference contribution FlexRML: A Flexible and Memory Efficient Knowledge Graph Materializer (2024) Freund M, Schmid SJ, Dorsch R, Harth A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Finding Root Causes for Outliers in Semantically Annotated Sensor Data (2024) Strobel T, Pychynski T, Harth A Conference contribution FAIR Internet of Things Data: Enabling Process Optimization at Munich Airport (2024) Freund M, Rott J, Dorsch R, Harth A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution The Rights Delegation Proxy: An Approach for Delegations in the Solid Dataspace (2024) Schmid SJ, Schraudner D, Harth A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Root Cause Analysis for Manufacturing using Semantic Web Technologies (2023) Strobel T Conference contribution, Conference Contribution