Institut für Anatomie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Correction to: The specific DNA methylation landscape in focal cortical dysplasia ILAE type 3D (Acta Neuropathologica Communications, (2023), 11, 1, (129), 10.1186/s40478-023-01618-6) (2024) Wang DD, Katoch M, Jabari S, Blümcke I, Blumenthal DB, Lu DH, Coras R, et al. Journal article, Erratum Innervation pattern of the unclosed detrusor muscle in classic bladder exstrophy: a study of patients with urothelial overexpression of nerve growth factor (2024) Promm M, Otto W, Götz S, Burger M, Müller K, Rubenwolf P, Neuhuber W, Rösch WH Journal article Increasing DIEA Perforator Detail in Three-Dimensional Photorealistic Volume-Rendering Visualizations (2024) Necker FN, Cholok DJ, Shaheen MS, Fischer MJ, Gifford K, El Chemaly T, Leuze CW, et al. Journal article Detection of SARS-CoV-2 binding receptors and miscellaneous targets as well as mucosal surface area of the human lacrimal drainage system (2024) Rau AL, Schicht M, Zahn I, Ali MJ, Coroneo MT, Paulsen F Journal article Understanding the Cytomegalovirus Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Ortholog pUL97 as a Multifaceted Regulator and an Antiviral Drug Target (2024) Marschall M, Schütz M, Wild M, Socher E, Wangen C, Dhotre K, Rawlinson WD, Sticht H Journal article The quadratus femoris muscle anatomy: Do we know everything? (2024) Olewnik L, Zielinska N, Karauda P, Piagkou M, Koptas K, Maślanka K, Ruzik K, et al. Journal article Muscular and neuronal control of voice production – forgotten findings, current concepts, and new developments (2024) Tracicaru R, Bräuer L, Döllinger M, Hînganu D, Paulsen F, Hînganu MV Journal article Molecular detection of lacrimal apparatus and ocular surface - related ABC transporter genes (2024) Kleinsasser B, Garreis F, Musialik M, Zahn I, Kral B, Kutlu Z, Sahin A, et al. Journal article Topical menthol, a pharmacological cold mimic, induces cold sensitivity, adaptive thermogenesis and brown adipose tissue activation in mice (2024) Sankina P, Lal R, Khare P, von Hörsten S, Fester L, Aggarwal V, Zimmermann K, Bishnoi M Journal article Influence of AAV vector tropism on long-term expression and Fc-γ receptor binding of an antibody targeting SARS-CoV-2 (2024) Wagner J, Müller-Schmucker S, Wang W, Arnold P, Uhlig N, Issmail L, Eberlein V, et al. Journal article